The chronology timeline of events

chronology events timeline (photo: Tate Modern, montage: Timixi)

Every timeline capture events by the date on a straight line at the appropriate distances - that's probably a well-known thing. So, using the timeline of events is just by definition an excellent tool for understanding time context or explaining the chronological relations between topics.

However, doesn't it sound too much technical? Isn't it very scholastic? Don't worry, we sometimes fight with this idea, too. You can see the numerous timelines all around, but you just don't realize it. Events' timelines have a mixture of shapes and forms, express complex relations, or glitter many colors. But sometimes it was rather difficult to create them. Till now.

We develop just a little bit different timelines in Timixi. We strive to build the calendar timelines easy to use, fast to create, well organized, always with time proportions - just to enjoy them. Timixi team hope, that it can emphasize the strengths of timelines on every desktop, tablet computer or mobile phone.

  • For our timelines, we select variety of topics that can address any user - regardless of his profession or interests. Whether it's family or friends, business or hobby, a history timeline or a technology process, the timeline can ever draw attention to the relations between events.
    example: Timelines' topics
  • Our timelines have flexible visualization. They will cover the circumstances billions of years ago as well as watching important events of last week minute by minute. An interesting timeline can be used for convincing display of several moments, the other one as a way to store hundreds of acts.
    example: Famous dinos
    example: Assassination of JFK

history timeline of events (Hikaru Hayakaw, photo: Nick Normal) chronology timeline of events (photo: Matt Raible) history timeline of events (created by: John B. Sparks)

  • The timeline system can work with date format and precision you need (or with the one you just have). You don't have to search for exact dates in the encyclopedia or on the web, although you can process the tens of formats for accurate dates in scientific purposes.
    example: Apollo 11 - Moon landing
  • Our timeline system should understand you. Once you have entered a couple of events, you can view your timeline. You don't have to looking for way to display incidents or set many weird parameters. The timeline is generated from your data instant and automatic by Timixi.
    example: Quick timeline creation
  • To use your timelines, we create Timixi as a kindly and communicative place. Friends send you a timeline, others share their timelines with you, you can boast how easy you are able to organize the events. Spend while with family, friends or classmates using timeline, knowledge quiz or board game.
    more: Community
  • We create graphically varied timelines. You can expose events in colors, display several shapes, show occurrence as a point or as an area, watching cases in data range, show different values and other visual properties of your data as a time chart. Timixi can be used as a simple infographic creation tool.
    example: Best selling cars


See for yourself how comfy you can use our calendar timelines.



Published: 02/01/2019

ver 1.7.6 en