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In the current delimitation, President of France is elected for a five-year term and has extensive powers (France has the semi-presidential system).
The first president (then Prince-President) was Louis Napoleon Bonaparte during the Second French Republic. After four years, however, he declared himself emperor.
The Presidential office in France was restored in the times of the Third Republic, and with the exception of France’s occupation by Hitler’s Germany, it has held continuity to these days.
Prior to joining the office, Charles de Gaulle (5th Republic) pushed through the stronger fundamental powers of the President. The latest amendments to the presidents statute were the shortening of the seven-year mandate to 5 years (2000) and the exclusion of the third term (2008).
Almost three dozen personalities are defiling on the timeline of the presidents of France, where we can follow the duration of their mandate and the context with the historical periods of the French Republic.
Timeline span: 1848 - till now
Events: 26
Timeline with calendar dates: 2 sets of values
Time-span events
Linear time-scale
Author : Timixi (editors)
Special offer: Free timeline
EN Presidents of France
Community & celebrities
States & rise
Contemporary history
de Gaulle
French presidents - cs.wikipedia.org [CZ]
List of presidents of France - cs.wikipedia.org [CZ]
Presidents of France - en.wikipedia.org